Learn muscle Testing!

Bio Chemical Muscle Testing for Natural Therapists

Integrate kinesiology muscle testing into your routine for greater clarity and even better results with your patients.

Bio-MT Training is a two-day workshop offered throughout Australia where you will learn muscle testing techniques which you can integrate into your clinic straight away.

What is muscle testing?

Muscle Testing is a simple Kinesiology-based technique. 

Muscle testing and Kinesiology has been around since the 1960’s, when Chiropractor George Goodhart started to use muscle testing to evaluate muscle performance.

It’s grown in leaps and bounds since then, and is used in many different forms by health care practitioners today.

What is Bio-MT?

Bio-Chemical Muscle Testing (Bio-MT for short) is a simple Kinesiology-based technique using muscle testing and homeopathic vials.

It has originated from practitioners using Kinesiology to test and screen their patients on a physical, structural and emotional level.

Bio MT Training is a two day workshop designed especially for holistic health care practitioners.

Bio MT was created by Naturopath Leanne Stockwell

Take the Guesswork out of your consults!

Sign up to our mailing list (at the bottom of this page) to find out when our next workshops are happening! Bio-MT will give you the tools and the confidence you need to take your practice to the next level!

What are the benefits for you as a practitioner?

As holistic practitioners, we know that our bodies hold lots of answers. Bio-Chemical Muscle Testing allows you to gain feedback from the body’s systems so that you can better understand what might be happening for your patient.

The beauty lies in the fact that you can use this with ALL your patients. It gives you lots of information, and it assists you in your clinical decision making.

It also assists you in prioritising supplements and treatment plans for each patient.

Bio-MT may help you understand and prioritise nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, toxins, microbial activity, stress levels, food intolerances and more!

Do you ever have those tricky patients where it’s really hard to work out what’s going on?

Bio MT can take a large amount of the guesswork out of your consults!

Do you sometimes have patients who can’t afford expensive testing immediately, but you want some answers now?

With Bio MT you can feel more confident about what you are prescribing even before any lab testing is done.

Do you struggle with what to work on first? What the priority really is for your patient?

Learn Bio-Chemical Muscle Testing and get a clearer picture of your patient’s needs.

Meet the Presenter

Leanne Stockwell
Naturopath, Kinesiologist

Leanne, director at A Better You, has been a Naturopath, Herbalist and Coach for the past 20 years, and originally learnt a form of Bio-Chemical muscle testing from her own Chiropractor in Brisbane.

She then went on to learn from many others who practised Kinesiology, and now uses these testing techniques with her patients on a daily basis.

Leanne has developed her own successful protocol for screening her patients, and has built an amazing following of loyal clients over the years who benefit amazingly from this technique.

It has streamlined her practice and made each consult much more interactive and beneficial for her patients.

What others say

I’ve been waiting to do this course for ages and it’s the best course I’ve done yet! Without this testing technique, prescribing the right products for my clients would be hit and miss. This helps to nail it. It was very informative. Leanne has a wealth of knowledge. I mostly enjoyed her down-to-earth approach and friendly willingness to help you understand how it works. I couldn’t see myself practicing to my full potential without this technique. It’s helped me take my Naturopathic prescribing to a whole new level. I’m more confident now that I’m doing my best to help each client.
El Brown – Naturopath

Frequently Asked Questions

I haven’t learnt Muscle testing or Kinesiology before. Can I still do this course?

Absolutely. You'll benefit from attending the Friday evening muscle testing workshop, then you're all set.

I’m not sure if I can afford the cost upfront?

It’s OK, remember that you can pay in 3 instalments, and you can get in touch with me if you’re having any problems (leanne@abetteryounaturally.com.au)

How long are the days?

Good question! Saturday is 8.30-5.00 (a longer day) and Sunday is 8.30-3.00 (in case some need to travel)

Will there be lots of "question time"?

Yes, definitely. There will be time during our practice sessions and also when we finish on Sunday, I’ll be hanging around for an hour or 2 for questions and catch-ups.

Where exactly is each course being held?

Some venues are still to be confirmed, but each venue will be easily accessible.

Are you running this course in other states or cities?

Stay tuned, we're looking at Melbourne in 2024

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Dates & Locations


Coming in 2025

Stay Tuned, Venue and Dates TBC 

What to expect on your two day training

What to expect during your workshop?

  • Lots of support and guidance over 2 full days as you learn and become really confident in this technique.
  • Explanations and demonstrations of each test that you will do in an Initial patient visit.
  • Confidence to implement your new skills immediately with your patients.
  • Lots of practice time to allow you to tweak your skills.
  • Wonderful connections with other praccies.
  • 14 CPE points.

What's Included?

  • 2-day interactive workshop with time to listen, learn, implement and ask questions.
  • Comprehensive and easy to understand workbook containing notes and testing procedures.
  • Morning and afternoon tea on both days.
  • A massive discount on your “Starter-Kit” (valued at $295) containing all the test vials you will need for testing during an Initial visit.
  • A Face Book Group for questions and live training to consolidate what you've learnt.
  • A certificate of Completion at the end of the weekend.
I can’t wait to connect with you and share this wonderful technique!
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